As soon as you click on the Edit button for the iSearch Engine, you will see the main interface. This is where you set up your Engine.
The interface is divided into the following tabs: Settings, Advanced, Localisation, Design

In the top right corner you will find four buttons.

This button will save all of the changes you have made.
Clear Search Term Suggestions
With this button you can remove all of the search suggestions, that have been created by the successfull search queries of the customers.
Help & Support
This button will open the Support page of the module. There you can activate your licesne key.
This button will redirect you back to the list of the iSearch Engines.
Database cache
When you first try to edit the Engine you will have to set up the Database Cache. To do that simply click on the Start Caching button.

Cache-Sensitive Settings
Every time you make a change that would affect the cache, a popup will appear when you try to save the changes.

Editing these settings will affect your iSearch Database Cache
This is a list of all cache-sensitive settings that you are planning to change.
Revert & Save
Clicking this button will revert the settings that affect the cache. The rest of the modified settings will be saved. Your iSearch Database Cache will not be altered.
Save & Re-Cache
Clicking this button will save all modified settings. This will delete and recreate your iSearch Database Cache automatically after saving.