Installation Instructions for OpenCart 3.x
WarningIf your OpenCart is not a fresh installation, files and database backup is highly recommended.
These installation instructions assume that you have either a fresh or a customized installation of whichever version of OpenCart 3.
Step 1
Unzip the downloaded ZIP file into a new folder.
Step 2
Login to your OpenCart admin panel and go to Extensions > Installer. Upload the file, which is in the folder you created in Step 1.
Step 3
Go to Extensions > Modules > iSearch Corporate and click the Install button.
Step 4
We need to setup an iSearch engine for your store. Click on the Edit button. You will be taken to the iSearch engine dashboard. Press the green + New Engine button. You will see your iSearch engine in the list.
Step 5
Click on Edit Engine - this will take you to the engine-specific settings. In most cases it will be enough to simply enable the extension from the tab Settings > option Status. If you wish, you may go through the rest of the settings to get acquainted with the extension. After you are done, click the Save icon on the top right.
Step 6
iSearch Corporate requires a Database Cache to work. To set it up, use the right hand-side panel.
Step 7
If you are using the iSearch Corporate module on a live server, make sure to insert your license key in the Extensions > Modules > iSearch Corporate > Support.
Note Using the module on a staging/development server does not require license activation. The license is needed to grant you access to Premium iSenseLabs Support and the Latest Downloads of iSearch Corporate.
Upgrade Instructions
Step 1
Unzip the downloaded ZIP file into a new folder.
Step 2
Login to your OpenCart admin panel and go to Extensions > Installer. Upload the file, which is in the folder you created in Step 1.
Step 3
Go to Admin > Dashboard and click on the Gear icon at the top right. Click the Refresh icon for the Theme row. This will ensure the latest iSearch Corporate updates will get applied.
Step 4
Congratulations! iSearch Corporate is now updated. You can access it from Extensions > Extensions > Modules > iSearch Corporate.